06/06/2021 12:41 | Category: dsa

Tags: arraylistsabstract_data_types

arraylists introduction

ArrayList is a dynamic, ADT data structure.

Abstract data types (ADT)

This is a model description of a data type that is defined by the type's behaviors and operations. This is similar to a Java interface, where there are operations (methods) that can be utilized, but the implementation is abstract.

An example of the List ADT:

  • addAtIndex(int index, T data) adds an item to the list
  • removeAtIndex(int index) removes an item from the list
  • get(int index) returns data
  • isEmpty() returns whether the list is empty
  • clear() resets the list configuraiton with no data
  • size() returns the number of data currently stored in the list

The List ADT is comprised of different variations of ArrayLists and LinkedLists.


  • a type of List backed by an array
  • Each of Java's ArrayLists will have to store the object, for primitives this requires an object wrapper

Example in Java:

// ArrayList in Java is from package `java.util`
// The data type must be an `Object`
// generic typing is implied from the declaration statement

ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();

Dynamic allocation

  • an arraylist is an abstraction / a wrapper for an array
  • these are resized automatically by the implementation without users knowing
  • this is dynamically allocated memory because the array is reallocated and copied when more space is necessary
    • the resizing is still considered O(n) because it is using an array as an underlying component
    • resizing is still a limitation because of the array structure

Arraylist terminology

  • the size of the data structure is the # of non-null pieces of data being stored in it
    • this is typically stored in a variable
  • the capacity of an arraylist is the # of data that can be stored

Ex ArrayList:

// This has a size = 5
// and a capacity = 8

ArrayList size and capacity

Arraylist requirements

  • data must be contiguous
    • there cannot be null spaces between the data
  • data must be zero-aligned (must start at index 0)
  • for efficient operations the size should be stored
    • the index size gives us access to the next empty spot in O(1) time

Ex ArrayList:

// data is not contiguous

// data is contiguous but not zero-aligned

// properly done
// size = 5

ArrayList improper examples

Adding to an arraylist

  • we can add to the back in O(1) if resizing is not needed
    • this is due to knowing the size ahead of time
  • adding to the back of an arraylist and doing a resize is considered worst-case
    • once the capacity is exceeded we are facing a cost of O(n)
    • the cost of adding is "pessimistic" because the resize step is considered rare
  • amortized analysis states that looking at the cost over timer ather than the cost per add operation
    • this implies that adding to the back will still be O(1) if we used amortized analysis
    • because we are just repetitively adding to the back during resize, it would be repetitive single operations "n" times
// normal O(1) case
// addToBack(f)
// size 5 -> size 6
[a][b][c][d][e][][][] -> [a][b][c][d][e][f][][]

// rare O(n) resize case
//      this requires a resize and each of the data pieces
//      must be copied over
// addToBack(f)
// size 5 -> size 6
[a][b][c][d][e] -> [a][b][c][d][e][f][][][][]

Adding to ArrayLists

Adding elsewhere

  • adding at an arbitrary index is not the "back", it is O(n)
    • we have to add at a position then copy each of the index values to their new positions
    • all data must be shifted, which would then open the cell to insert the data
// addAtIndex(1, f)
// all data must be shifted 1 cell at a time
[a][b][c][d][e][] -> [a][f][b][c][d][e]

Remove operations

  • removing from the back is O(1)
  • removing from an arbitrary index not at the back is O(n) due to data shifting
// removeAtIndex(0)
// all data must be shifted 1 cell at a time
// down 1 index
[a][b][c][d][e][] -> [f][b][c][d][e][]