06/10/2021 22:38 | Category: django

Tags: django_adminmodelspython

django admin properties

When working in the Django admin today I created a custom property that displays for the backend user. I previously had not tried to display a model property in the admin; however, it is the same as a regular model column.

Also, I used @cached_property to keep a cache of the instance rather than recomputing this every call.

A generic example:

# models.py
from django.utils.functional import cached_property

class SomeModel(models.Model):
    some_word = models.CharField(max_length=5)
    some_bool = models.BooleanField(default=False)

    def is_word(self):
        return True if 'word' == self.some_word else False

# admin
class SomeModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ['some_word', 'some_bool', 'is_word']