06/19/2021 12:17 | Category: zet

Tags: gatsbyjsmarkdownzet

gatsbyjs graphql zet changes

When working through how I'll be deploying my Zets to my website I found that the typical parsing I was anticipating from the GatsbyJS tools was lackluster.

The parsing is stuck in a standardized format and is pretty difficult to get ahold of to change. Previously I was pushing all Zets with a tabular format that would have metadata pushed into it.

I've changed this to be in an adapted format, examples below.


| Title | Category | Tags | Date |
| ----- | -------- | ---- | ---- |
| some title | category | tags, tags | 202101011212 |


path: '/month/day/title-cleaned-date'
title: 'some title'
date: 'date'
category: 'someCategory'
tags: ['some', 'tag']