06/13/2021 17:19 | Category: dsa

Tags: linkedlist

linked structures

Circularly linked lists are a small change to general linkedlists. These can be flexible in a large number of ways.

Example, each node "receives" one pointer but can have outgoing pointers: Example linkedlist structure

Tree structures

These are very common structures, one example is a file system.

Reversing the previous example says we can have multiple pointers being received by 1 pointer:

  • This is similar to a folder structure

File system example structure

Disjoint set

Disjoint set system is a grouping where every sequence of node connections lead to a single, unique node (blue nodes). These are a "representative" for a grouping of nodes.

Graph structures

This graph structure is a linkedlist with no restrictions on the number of pointers in or out of a node.

Graph structure example

These are used to model relationships between data and are generally a flexible concept. This is used quite a bit in social networks where nodes represent people and connections are certain properties that are shared.