06/08/2021 11:03 | Category: dsa

Tags: arraylistlistbig-o

list arraylist adt

Module review for the different portions covered in the GT module related to ArrayList and List ADT.

ListADT and ArrayList in DSA block


The efficiency for ArrayLists is below. This assumes that there is a size variable. We should be able to figure out time complexities without the size variable if needed.

ArrayList efficiency

This assumes a size variable.

Function Method Efficiency
Search O(n)
accessFront O(1)
accessIndex O(1)
accessBack O(1)
addToFront O(n)
addToIndex O(n)
addToBack O(n) / O(1)*
removeFromFront O(n)
removeFromIndex O(n)
removeFromBack O(n)
Size O(1)
isEmpty O(1)
Clear O(1)

Below is a screenshot, should the above table be difficult to read. Big-O for ArrayList methods