06/19/2021 17:59 | Category: dsa

Tags: binary_search_treetreesnon-linear_models

binary search tree (bst)

A type of binary tree with the same properties but enforce a data order property.


A binary search tree enforces order:

  • The left child data is less than the parent data
  • The parent data is less than the right child's data
  • All of the data on the left sub tree must be less than the data in the parent node
  • All data in the right sub tree must be more than the node

Example of a valid BST:

Valid BST example

Invalid BST example:

Invalid BST example diagram

Implementing and efficiency of BSTs

  • In Java the data in a BST must implement the Comparable interface
    • This must have the compareTo method
  • Motivation for binary search
    • Each comparison tells you the data is to the left or the right
    • We have to search half the data, rather than all of it
    • This is an O(logn) runtime
  • Performance depends on the shape of the tree
    • Time complexity for a degenerate tree (aka a linkedlist) is O(n)


Traversals are categorized into two groups, depth and breadth searches.

Depth traversals (stack based)

Depth searches travel down the tree, like going down a rabbit hole. These follow a path or branch as deep as it can go until it reaches a null child.


  • Preorder traversal
  • Inorder traversal
  • Postorder traversal

Breadth traversal (queue based)

Breadth searches travel one level at a time, these explore one step away from the root, then two steps away, etc.


  • Levelorder traversal