traversal review in trees
Different traversals offer pros and cons when working with BSTs, depending on the use case.
- Uniquely identifies a BST
- Hybrid depth approach that biases toward giving data closer to the root faster than data in leaf nodes
- Most notable property is that if implemented on a BST the data is returned sorted
- The inorder traversal is the only one that does not uniquely define a BST
- If implemented on a regular binary tree the data is just given left-to-right
- This is similar to preorder and uniquely identifies a BST
- When removing data it will only remove from the leaf nodes
- This is a hybrid depth approach that biases data in leaf nodes faster than giving data closer to root
- This is easiest to understand
- Gives the data in an ordering sorted based on the depth of each level
- Uniquely identifies a BST and gives data in a sorted manner on a per-level basis