06/19/2021 16:43 | Category: dsa

Tags: treesnon-linear_models

tree structures

Trees are a gateway concept toward efficient search procedures.

Previous structures

  • All previous list-based ADTs are not efficient for searching
    • When looking at a linkedlist or arraylist we have to traverse in O(n)
  • Similarly, Deques, Queues, and Stacks are limited in their operations

Tree ADT

  • Conceptually, a tree is a linked structure where each node has a parent-child relationship
    • Linkedlists are technically trees, just simple ones
  • A node has a single parent but can have multiple children
  • Trees - connected linked structures with no cycles
    • A cycle would be like a circularly linked list, where you can loop to the head
    • Can be implemented in a variety of ways, depending on the details of the type of tree
      • Most commonly we use linkedlist structures with Nodes and pointers

Tree diagram example:

Tree diagram example

Root of the tree:

Root and other terminology


  • root - the top node (a node with no parents)
  • internal node (parent) - a node with children
  • external node (leaf) - a node with no children
  • cousin nodes are of the same "generation" but with different parent nodes
  • relative position is the depth that the node resides at, this is used to classify

Tree root relationship diagram:

Tree root relationship diagram

Subtrees are children of the root node:

Subtrees example

Node depth for relative position classification:

Node depth example

General concepts

  • Think of each of the child nodes under the root as their own sub tree
    • This is important to remember during the recursive operations used to traverse
  • Valid subtrees can be null or even single, one-elemnt node trees
  • Relative positions within the hierarchy care used as both a classification and reference
    • Depth refers to the distance from the root node
    • The height of any leaf node is always 0 and is generally easiest from the leafs up
      • This would be a bottom-up approach
    • Height(node) = (Max. child height) + 1
    • Height(leaf) = 0
  • Operations for the tree ADT are similar to other structures
    • add and remove methods
    • Query methods like get and contains
    • Accessor methods like size and isEmpty
  • There is no concept of front and back like in linear models


  • Shape - What is the structure of the nodes in the tree?
    • Structure of the tree
  • Order - How is the data arranged in the tree?
    • How the data is arranged inside the structure

Classification of trees

  • Trees can be either a data structure or ADT depending on the language
  • Below are groupings of tree types

Tree structure classifications:

Tree structure classifications