06/22/2021 19:38 | Category: dsa

Tags: binary_treetreesrecursion

unique binary tree using traversal combos

When working through creation of unique binary tree structures I was given this question in a quiz:

Alice and Bob both know that if you have a preorder, postorder, or levelorder
traversal of a BST, you can uniquely reconstruct the original BST. However, Bob
is curious about what we need to guarantee the uniqueness of a plain old binary
tree with no order property. Alice suggests that the right choice of two
different traversals can guarantee uniqueness. Which of the following
combinations will guarantee a unique binary tree?

This can be tested using 2 node trees and a visualization tool. The concept with this traversal strategy is that when constructing we will allow one traversal to choose the order and another traversal to do the creation.


Each of these will work through an order -> structure or structure -> order

  1. inorder and levelorder
  2. preorder and inorder
  3. inorder and postorder