06/07/2023 10:46 | Category: applications

Tags: designmono_repoapplication_architecture

makefiles as a single source of truth for project commands

I have become more and more enthralled by the idea that we can create a "Makefile to rule them all".

While this approach becomes a behemoth over time, I challenge to find a better approach than what I will lay out below.


  1. A centralized place for project commands (library or application repository)
  2. Useful way of viewing all project commands quickly
  3. Ability to add documentation to the commands and change them in 1 place
  4. CICD and local developers should use the exact same commands
    1. Ensures testability of CICD
    2. Developers can debug any part of the stack from their local machines if needed


The best solution I've found thus far has been a comprehensive Makefile broken into many targets. While this file will get large, it does give a necessary abstraction layer over project commands.

Setting the scene

A project may use many different tools, with many commands and parameters/config files, to accomplish the following:

  1. Linting (with N number of linters, depending on project complexity)
  2. Testing (business logic, unit tests, integration tests, models, infrastructure)
  3. Packaging/Building (.zip/.pex/.json/etc. need to be created in CICD to be deployed)
  4. Deployment (Terraform or some equivalent)


A good Makefile won't be defined here, but a skeleton of a few targets to get started can illustrate the usefullness of having a "single source of truth" for the complex array of project commands above.

Here we can see a few targets to get us started, a all for local usage, lint, test, and help.

####  General  ####

.PHONY: all
all: lint test  ## Local "all" to handle linting and testing in one target. REQUIRES: virtual environment + dependencies.

.PHONY: lint
lint:  ## Uses Pre-Commit to run linters from the `.pre-commit-config.yaml`.
	pre-commit run --all-files

.PHONY: test
test:  ## Uses Pytest to execute all tests.
	pytest -vvv -n auto --showlocals

.PHONY: help
help:  ## Shows available Makefile commands in a list
	@grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+([-%:]|[-%])+.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) \
		| sort \
		| awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'

Showing the output of make help:

all                            Local "all" to handle linting and testing in one target. REQUIRES: virtual environment + dependencies.
help                           Shows available Makefile commands in a list
lint                           Uses Pre-Commit to run linters from the `.pre-commit-config.yaml`.
test                           Uses Pytest to execute all tests.