07/08/2023 07:16 | Category: algorithms

Tags: recursion

recursion in algorithms

If you have a problem that can be solved by breaking the problem into smaller problems then you can use recursion to solve it.

Example: Factorial of n = n*(n-1) * (n-2) ... 3 * 2 * 1

1 Factorial(n):
2    if n = 0:
3        return 1
4    else:
5        return n * Factorial(n-1)

Expressing the Factorial function F in terms of itself can be done: F(n) = n* F(n-1)

The expression of a function in terms of itself is a recurrence relation. * Requires a base case * Requires smaller sub-problems that solve instances of the big problem

Recurrence relations

To analyze a recursive algorithm, similar to iterative, we need to express it as an equation to determine the order of growth.


  • c - constant time
  • T(n) - recursive function execution, subsequent call on T(n-1)


The Factorial recurrence relation can be written as: T(n) = c1 or Θ(1) when n=0 (this represents base case, and c1 is some constant) T(n) = T(n-1) + c when n>0 (this represents recursive case) T(n) = T(n-1) + Θ(1) when n>0 since Θ(1) represents constant time

Recursion-tree method

When a recursive algorithm makes more than a single call to itself, analysis can be done by constructing a tree of the recursive calls. It is a visual representation of recursionw here each node of the tree represents the cost of a recursive sub-problem. This tree is a recursion tree. Summing the nodes gives the cost of the engire algorithm.


This is sometimes unreliable, but accurate time complexity can be found by using the substitution method.

        c1                for n=1 (when start = end)


        2T(n/2) + cn      for n>1

Level 0

Making 2 recursive calls in the same execution.

Level 0     T(n)            cn
                          /    \
Level 1              T(n/2)     T(n/2)

Level 1

We can find the expansion of T(n/2) it can be writtn as 2T(n/4) + c(n/2)

Level 1      T(n/2)          cn/2
                           /      \
Level 2               T(n/4)      T(n/4)

Level 2

We can find the expansion of T(n/4) it can be writtn as:

Level 2      T(n/2)          cn/4
                           /      \
Level 3               T(n/8)      T(n/8)

The master method

Master metod enables solving for recurrence relation of the form T(n) = aT(n/b) + f(n). Where a >= 1, b > 1, and f(n) > 0.


T(n) = T(n/2) + c; here a = 1, b =2 and f(n) = c

T(n) = 3T(n/2)+ cn; here a = 3, b = 2 and f(n) = cn

In this method, n^logb a and f(n) values are compared. When comparing two functions there are three cases n^logb a grows asymptotically at a faster rate than f(n), or n^logb a grows at a slower rate than f(n), or both have same order of growth.

For simplicity consider f(n)∈ Θ(n^d) so that we can easily compare n^d and n^logb a.

This screenshot showcases the different growth type comparisons:

3 cases of growth types

Looking at the cases we can make examples:

Cases of master method

Limitations of master method

Recurrence relation satisfies a few conditions before applying the master method. This brings these limitations:

  • Recurrence must satisfy a >= 1, b > 1, f(n) is a positive function
  • Master method cannot be applied if f(n) is not a polynomial function
  • Master method cannot be applied if a or b cannot be expressed as a constant

Special case

f(n) ∈ Θ(n^(logb a) * log^k(n)) for some k >= 0 then T(n) = Θ(n^(logb a) * log^(k+1)(n))