06/18/2021 11:19 | Category: dsa

Tags: queuesadt

queues adt lesson

Queues model linear data. Stacks are LIFO while quques are FIFO.

Queue structure

A linear data model that has a first-in, first-out structure.


  • Lines at a store
  • Printer queue that processes print jobs in order of arrival

Queue vs. Stack structures:

Queue vs. stack structure

Queue supported operations

  • void enqueue(x) - Adds data to one end of the queue (back)
  • x dequeue() - Removes data from one end of the queue (front)
  • x peek() / x top() - Shows the item at the top (front)
  • boolean isEmpty() - Determines if the queue is empty
  • void clear() - Clears the queue

Queue unsupported operations

  • Searching for data
  • Arbitrary index access
  • Arbitrary add or remove

Linkedlist backed queues

  • A head and tail reference are needed for the Queue because we perform on both sides
  • Operations have different costs depending on which end they're performed (see below)

Operation cost comparison with Linkedlist backed Queue:

Linkedlist cost comparison Queue implementation

Dequeue-ing from the list:

Dequeue-ing from the list

Comparison of linkedlist implementations

  • Singlylinked list with a tail reference
    • enqueue at the tail and dequeue from the head
  • Doublylinked list with tail
    • enqueue and dequeue occur at either end
      • must be the opposite end
    • Not necessary to implement a Queue, just has higher memory

Array implementation of Queue

  • Arrays are used, not Arraylists
  • Wrap-around or circular array
  • We must keep track of size and capacity
  • We will still enqueue from the back and dequeue from the front, same as linkedlist

Array backed Queue:

Array backed queue implementation sample

  • The first element enqueued into this was 1
  • The last element was 2
  • In a circular array the front and back indices wrap-around the ends of the array
    • The front index tracks the first elements, the back tracks the last element
    • back index = last index + 1
      • or back index = front index + size

The back behavior is mod to allow the wrap-around behavior:

Array backed queue wrap-around behavior

The wrap-around behavior during the dequeue puts back at 0:

Array backed queue wrap-around dequeue

Wrap-around behavior during the enqueue puts back at 1:

Array backed queue wrap-around enqueue

Queue implementation time complexity

The Big-O times for each of the Array and LinkedList backed implementations. The * means amortized.

Amortized Queue implementation times

Spatial locality when accessing elements

Spatial locality is a prefetch operation where data in adjacent memory locations is retrieved prior to being used. Processors try to "predict" what will happen next and will prefetch data to speed operations.

When using an ArrayList vs. a LinkedList for a Queue implementation it seems better to use a LinkedList, even if O(1) is true for all of the operations in both.

However, using spatial locality we can potentially get better performance outside of the Big-O statements due to the processor finding the data in a prefetch.