6 posts tagged with "queues"

aws sqs delay queues

06/15/2022 10:21 | Category: aws

Tags: developer_associatecertificationsqsqueues

SQS delay queues postpone the delivery of new messages. Features Postpone…

aws sqs parameters

06/15/2022 10:15 | Category: aws

Tags: developer_associatecertificationsqsqueues

There are a few settings with the SQS system that allow additional configuration…

aws sqs queue types

06/15/2022 09:59 | Category: aws

Tags: developer_associatecertificationsqsqueues

The primary difference between queue types is how they handle the ordering of…

aws sqs intro

06/15/2022 09:46 | Category: aws

Tags: developer_associatecertificationsqsqueues

AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS) was the first AWS service that was publicly available…

Queues ADT Lesson

06/18/2021 11:19 | Category: dsa

Tags: queuesadt

queues adt lesson Queues model linear data. Stacks are LIFO while quques are FIFO. Queue structure A…

Stack Queue ADT

06/16/2021 17:39 | Category: dsa

Tags: stacksqueuesadt

stack queue adt Fundamental ADTs introduced: stacks queues deques (pronounced decks) priority queues…

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