06/16/2021 17:39 | Category: dsa

Tags: stacksqueuesadt

stack queue adt

Fundamental ADTs introduced:

  • stacks
  • queues
  • deques (pronounced decks)
  • priority queues

Stack and Queue ADTs are stored in a linear manner (in the same way as a List ADT). Lists required a large degree of flexibility in access, removing, and adding to any index.

Stacks and Queues are more specialized for operations at the ends of the data (front and back of the list).

This has a more limited set of operations, so we want these to be as efficient as possible.

Two related ADTs are the Priority Queue (PQ) ADT and the Deque ADT.

Priority Queues are related conceptually to queues, but will not be needed until covering Binary Trees, Heaps, Skiplists, and Hashmaps.

Deques are a combination of Stacks and Queues, with a larger set of operations. The implementation techniques do not have new operations, but just use previous ideas and concepts to iplement.