07/12/2021 19:33 | Category: python

Tags: celerydjango

AsyncResult returns from celery tasks

When working through a set of asynchronous tasks I have been finding it useful to have a controller -> sub-task structure.

This leverages the ability for Celery to resolve task outcomes and pass results using chain().

Today I was reminded (hence the note) that results from .delay() calls are not going to be resolved to the return of the function you are running. These instead resolve to a celery.result.AsyncResult class that states some additional information about the execution.

We should instead use the .get() after the task which would return the result. The documentation states that we should avoid the use of .get() too much for interlocked tasks, as this is inefficient and should instead rely on chain().

Documentation on the AsyncResult


def some_task()
    return True

result = some_task.delay.get()

if result:
    # do something
    # do something else