logical equivalence with laws
We can explain logical equivalence using predetermined known truths/equivalences.
This is useful for creating ladder logic in computation.
We know that for every statement form we have 2^n number of truth table rows. For statement forms with large numbers of variables this is not a good method.
To remedy this, we can transofrm a statement into an equivalent to reduce complexity.
Simplifying statement forms
To simplify one statement form p
to a desired equivalent q
- Take the statement form
- Continue making replacements until you obtain a statement form
on the right- On each step, use the laws to replace sections of the statement form by
List of known logical equivalences (laws)
These are a number of logical equivalences that are proven, which can be used to reduce complexity.
- Commutative laws:
p^q == q^p
andpvq == qvp
- Associative laws:
(p^q) ^ r == p ^ (q^r)
and(pvq) v r == p v (qvr)
- Distributive laws:
p ^ (qvr) == (p^q) v (p^r)
andp v (q^r) == (pvq) ^ (pvr)
- Identity laws:
p ^ t == p
andp v c == p
- Negation laws:
p v ~p == t
andp ^ ~p == c
- Double negative law:
~(~p) == p
- Idempotent laws:
p ^ p == p
andp v p == p
- Universal bound laws:
p v t == t
andp ^ c == c
- De Morgan's Laws:
~(p^q) == ~p v ~q
and~(pvq) == ~p ^ ~q
- Absorption laws:
p v (p^q) == p
andp ^ (pvq) == p
- Negations of t and c:
~t == c
and~c == t
The order to apply logical equivalence laws
To simplify a statement form consists of statement variables and conjunction (^), disjunction (v) and negation (~) operators:
- Push negations inward with De Morgan's laws and the double negation law until negations
appear only before statement variables
- Apply commutative, associative, and distributive laws to obtain the correct intermediate
- Finally, simplify with absorption, universal bound, identity, idempotent, and
negation laws
Example 1: To show that the statement form is logically equivalent to a tautology.
~(p^q) v (pvq) == t
~(p^q) v (pvq)
== (~p v ~q) v (pvq)
(by De Morgan's law)
== (p v ~q) v (q v ~q)
(by associative and commutative laws)
== t v t
(by the negation law)
== t
(by the idempotent law)
~(p^q) v (pvq) == t
is logically equivalent
Example 2: To show that the statement form is logically equivalent.
(p v ~q) ^ (~p v ~q) == ~q
(p v ~q) ^ (~p v ~q) == ~q
== (~q v p) ^ (~q v ~p)
(by commutative law)
== ~q v (p ^ ~p)
(by the distributive law)
== ~q v c
(by the negation law)
== ~q
(by the identity law)
(p v ~q) ^ (~p v ~q) == ~q
is logically equivalent