06/22/2022 10:15 | Category: aws

Tags: developer_associatecertificationcodedeploycicd

aws codedeploy features

CodeDeploy offers CICD in various ways, these were covered in a previous note that had an overview of the different code hosting solutions that AWS offers.

More nitty gritty features

  • In-place deployment:
    • capacity is reduced during the deployment
    • Lambda is not supported
    • Rolling back involves a re-deploy
    • Great when deploying the first time
  • Blue/Green deployment:
    • No capacity reduction (safest option)
    • Green instances can be created ahead of time
    • Easy to switch between old and new
    • You pay for 2 environments until you terminate the old servers

CodeDeploy AppSpec file

  • AppSpec file - Configuration file for the parameters to be used during the CodeDeploy


  • For EC2 and on-premises systems the file is YAML only
  • For Lambda YAML and JSON are supported

EC2 AppSpec file structure

  • version - reserved for future use (0.0 is only value now)
  • OS - operating system version you're using (linux, windows, etc.)
  • files - config files, packages, locations of where files are and should be copied to
  • hooks - lifecycle event hooks, aka scripts that need to run during the deployment

lifecycle. Hooks have a specific run order

Example scripts during a deployment:

  • Unzip application files
  • Run tests on a newly deployed application
  • Deal with load balancing - de-register and re-register instances with a load balancer

Example EC2 appspec.yml:

appspec.yml for EC2

Typical folder structure for CodeDeploy is:

  • appspec.yml
  • /Scripts
  • /Config
  • /Source

Note: The appspec.yml file needs to be in the root directory

AppSpec lifecycle event hooks

Lifecycle event hooks happen in 3 phases during a deployment.

  • Phase 1:
    • De-register instances from a load balancer
  • Phase 2:
    • Nuts and bolts of the application deployment
  • Phase 3:
    • Re-register instances with the load balancer

Phase 1

The following are in order of execution for lifecycle event hooks before deployment:

  • BeforeBlockTraffic:
    • Tasks that youw ant to run on instances before they are deregistered from
    a load balancer
  • BlockTraffic:
    • Block - de-register instances from a load balancer
  • AfterBlockTraffic:
    • Tasks you want to run on instances after they are de-registered from a load

Phase 2

Run order for an in-place deployment:

  • ApplicationStop - gracefully stop the application
  • DownloadBundle - CodeDeploy agent copies application files to a temp location
  • BeforeInstall - pre-installation scripts, like backing up a current version, decrypting files
  • Install - copy application revision files to final location
  • AfterInstall - post-install scripts like configuration, file permissions, etc.
  • ApplicationStart - start any services that were stopped during ApplicationStop
    • Could be a script or set of commands to run
  • ValidateService - run tests to validate the service

Phase 3

The following hooks are run after the app is installed:

  • BeforeAllowTraffic - tasks to run on instances before they're registered with the

load balancer

  • AllowTraffic - register instances with the load balancer
  • AfterAllowTraffic - things to run after registering with the load balancer