06/21/2022 11:48 | Category: aws

Tags: developer_associatecertificationelastic_beanstalk

aws elastic beanstalk

Deploys and scales web applications while avoiding creation and scaling of EC2 instances.

Supported languages are Java, .NET, PHP, Node.js, Python, Ruby, and Go.

Platforms include Apache Tomcat and Docker.

Developers benefit from only worrying about writing the code, then Beanstalk will provision load balancers, EC2 instances, autoscaling groups, etc.

What does Elastic Beanstalk handle?

  1. Infrastructure - provisioning infra, load balancing, auto scaling, application

health monitoring

  1. Application platform - installation and management of the application stack, including

patching and updates to your OS and application platform

  1. You're in control - complete administrative control of the AWS resouces

Developers don't have to be sysadmins as well, it allows the engineers to focus entirely on the development of the code.

Exam tips

  • Deploy and scale your web applications, including the application server platform
  • Supports most popular programming languages
  • Managed platforms like Apache Tomcat and Docker
  • Provisions all the AWS resources for you, like EC2, RDS, S3, ELBs, autoscaling groups
  • Handles most of the ysstems administration for the OS and server updates, monitoring,

metrics, and health checks

  • Gives full administrative control over provisioned resources