06/21/2022 13:27 | Category: aws

Tags: developer_associatecertificationelastic_beanstalk

aws elastic beanstalk customization

Customization of the Elastic Beanstalk environment is done in a few different ways depending on the Amazon Linux version (1 or 2).

For pre-Amazon Linux 2 environments

  • configuration file - define packages to install, create linux users and groups,

run shell commands, enable services, and configure load balancers

  • YAML or JSON - these files are written in YAML or JSON format
  • Constraints - the file must have a .config extension and be inside a folder

called .ebextensions in the top-level directory of your application source code bundle

Example - myhealthcheckurl.config:

    "option_settings": [
            "namespace": "aws:elasticbeanstalk:application",
            "option_name": "My application healthcheck URL",
            "value": "/healthcheck"

The above configures an application health check URL that will be used by a load balancer, which will make an HTTP request to the specified path to check if the instances are healthy.

Amazon Linux 2 environments

Use the Buildfile, Procfile and platform hooks whenever you need to do additional configuration during the application building period.


  • Great for commands that run for short periods and then exit upon task completion.
    • Good examples are shell scripts
  • Root directory - create your Buildfile in the root directory of your application source
  • Format - <process_name>:<command>
    • Example: make: ./build.sh <- reference a script in your source code bundle


  • Used for long-running processes (like commands to start and run the application)
  • Root directory - create a file called Procfile in the root directory of your application source
  • Elastic Beanstalk expects processes defined in the Procfile to run continuously
    • Any processes that terminate will be monitored and restarted
  • Format - Same as the Buildfile, using key:value pairs
    • <process_name>: <command>


web: bin/myserver
app: bin/myapp

Platform hooks

  • This is for custom scripts or executable files that you would like to be run at

a chosen stage of the EC2 provisioning process.

  • Stored in dedicated directories in your application source code
  • The build directories are:
    • .platform/hooks/prebuild - files that you want to run before it builds, sets up,
    and configures the application and web server
    • .platform/hooks/predeploy - files that you want to run after it sets up and
    configures the application and web server but before it deploys them to the final runtime location
    • .platform/hooks/postdeploy - files that run after Elastic Beanstalk has deployed
    the application
  • Each stage is optional, only include the directories that are required

Exam tips

  • Amazon Linux 1 can modify the Elastic Beanstalk environment using the .ebextensions folder
    • Files need a .config extension
  • Amazon Linux 2:
    • Buildfile - for scripts that exist upon completion
    • Procfile - used in long running processes (like starting the app)
    • Platform hooks - several stages offering the ability to customize at each stage