6 posts tagged with "ec2"

aws ec2 instance with s3 role

03/28/2022 13:25 | Category: aws

Tags: developer_associatecertifications3ec2iam

Certain services within AWS can be assigned IAM roles that allow them…

aws route 53 domain name service

The AWS Route 53 service allows users to create a domain name…

launching an ec2 instance

02/22/2022 17:15 | Category: aws

Tags: aws_developer_associatecertificationec2

These are some general notes from launching an EC2 instance. This demo…

EC2 instance types

02/22/2022 16:30 | Category: aws

Tags: aws_developer_associateec2certificate

Instance types dictate several key characteristics of the underlying EC…

aws ec2 pricing options

02/03/2022 15:55 | Category: aws

Tags: developer_associatecertificationec2

There are several EC2 instance pricing options that vary depending on the…

aws intro to elastic compute cloud ec2

02/03/2022 15:46 | Category: aws

Tags: developer_associatecertificationec2

EC2 is a secure, resizable compute capacity in the cloud. The…

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