11 posts tagged with "ubuntu"

getting your timezone on ubuntu

11/20/2022 20:17 | Category: linux

Tags: ubuntubash

Just a factoid for myself to remember whenever I need a timezone for…

ubuntu sda contains a file system with errors check forced

06/14/2022 10:28 | Category: linux

Tags: ubuntudisk_errors

During a normal start up on my Ubuntu…

wsl copy to clipboard using ubuntu

04/25/2022 12:48 | Category: wsl

Tags: ubuntu

It took a little while for me to copy + paste from my WSL…

wsl2 with docker requires passthrough from windows

03/03/2022 14:51 | Category: docker

Tags: wsl2windowsdockerubuntu

Installing Docker within the WSL2 environment…

mount openmediavault smb share on ubuntu

02/13/2022 12:25 | Category: homelab

Tags: ubuntusmb_shareopenmediavault

Mounting NFS shares is quite different from the Windows…

wsl2 getting to a usable desktop environment

02/01/2022 15:27 | Category: linux

Tags: ubuntubashwsl

Windows Subsystem for Linux is supposedly a great…

bulk renaming files with the rename utility in linux

01/31/2022 22:16 | Category: linux

Tags: ubuntubashhomelab

I've found that working with file renaming…

finding zombie processes

12/17/2021 21:40 | Category: linux

Tags: bashubuntu

Sometimes when Docker containers are stopped and started in quick…

disabling touchpad middle click in ubuntu

12/08/2021 18:22 | Category: linux

Tags: ubuntuxinput

My partner had an incredibly frustrating evening battling…

chmod calculator

12/08/2021 18:12 | Category: linux

Tags: shellubuntu

When working on our home server I ran into the need for a chmod conversion to get…

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