15 posts tagged with "bash"

removing pycache folders recursively

02/08/2023 12:47 | Category: python

Tags: linuxbashpythonpycache

It gets annoying sometimes dealing with __pycache__/ and it's…

running sed with multiple file names or types

02/01/2023 12:15 | Category: bash

Tags: linuxtipsedbash

When running sed if we have a replacement that is…

getting your timezone on ubuntu

11/20/2022 20:17 | Category: linux

Tags: ubuntubash

Just a factoid for myself to remember whenever I need a timezone for…

find all lambdas of a specific code version

04/15/2022 09:34 | Category: aws

Tags: lambdapythonbash

When deprecating Lambda runtimes it is important to have…

github actions conditional environment variables

03/25/2022 01:28 | Category: cicd

Tags: githubbash

Update 1/4/2023: The original psot contained an…

django shell plus saves so much time

02/01/2022 20:35 | Category: django

Tags: pythondjangobash

When working with the shell inside Docker containers during…

wsl2 getting to a usable desktop environment

02/01/2022 15:27 | Category: linux

Tags: ubuntubashwsl

Windows Subsystem for Linux is supposedly a great…

bulk renaming files with the rename utility in linux

01/31/2022 22:16 | Category: linux

Tags: ubuntubashhomelab

I've found that working with file renaming…

finding zombie processes

12/17/2021 21:40 | Category: linux

Tags: bashubuntu

Sometimes when Docker containers are stopped and started in quick…

Bash Echo without Newline

06/09/2021 20:02 | Category: bash

Tags: bashscripting

bash echo without newline Today I ran into an issue with Bash scripting where I had a carriage…

Zet Screenshot Utility

06/08/2021 23:17 | Category: utility

Tags: vimbash

zet screenshot utility A big portion of the Zet-CLI that is missing is the ability to quickly create…

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