Blog Posts

terraform planning a portion of your resources

12/09/2022 13:32 | Category: terraform

Tags: awsterraformcicddevops

When running around with Terraform it's pretty…

aws redshift dynamic sort keys

11/23/2022 15:09 | Category: databases

Tags: redshiftmaintenance

Previously when working on Redshift clusters tables needed to be…

aws redshift lock query types

11/23/2022 15:04 | Category: databases

Tags: redshiftlock_waits

Detecting and releasing locks in Redshift is an important thing to…

aws cloudformation in multiple accounts using stacksets

11/23/2022 14:53 | Category: aws

Tags: cloudformationmulti_accountstackset

When working with CloudFormation it can be a…

getting your timezone on ubuntu

11/20/2022 20:17 | Category: linux

Tags: ubuntubash

Just a factoid for myself to remember whenever I need a timezone for…

truenas doesnt allow existing raid arrays to be overwritten

11/13/2022 18:30 | Category: homelab

Tags: homelabtruenas

Just a note for anyone that stumbles…

how to remove a raid array in linux

11/13/2022 18:20 | Category: linux

Tags: storageraidnashomelabtruenas

While working on my homelab today I ran into an issue when…

thinkpad e490 as a personal developer laptop

11/06/2022 15:09 | Category: hardware

Tags: thinkpade490

I've recently been sharing with others my opinions on…

terraform best practices notes

10/08/2022 15:11 | Category: infrastructure as code

Tags: terraformproject

The project I'm currently working on with my friend works as a…

putting local commits from one branch onto another

09/30/2022 15:29 | Category: git

Tags: fixing_git_issues

Sometimes when working locally we run into…

installing and enabling postgres extensions

09/29/2022 12:32 | Category: databases

Tags: postgresextensionsmaintenance

Working with Postgres extensions can be a little…

monitoring postgres autovacuum executions

09/29/2022 12:28 | Category: databases

Tags: postgresmaintenance

Recently when working with Postgres I had been tweaking…

neovim gnome screenshot utility for quickly embedding into markdown

08/26/2022 18:00 | Category: editors

Tags: neovimgnomemarkdownutility

I have been using my own note…

linux net tools for diagnosing errors in port bindings

07/22/2022 14:03 | Category: linux

Tags: networkslocalhostports

When checking for the currently used ports to…

aws monitoring services

Monitoring in AWS has a few different flavors for various use cases…

logitech G602 receiver sensitivity problems

06/28/2022 20:42 | Category: hardware

Tags: mouselogitechperipherals

I typically utilize a Logitech G602 for most of my…

aws redshift unloading aws console queries

06/28/2022 10:14 | Category: databases

Tags: awsredshifts3unload

When running queries in the AWS Redshift console often…

aws web identity federation

06/27/2022 13:44 | Category: aws

Tags: developer_associatecertificationiamauthentication

Simplifies authentication and authorization for web applications…

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