Blog Posts

excel iso 8601 timestamp conversion to date

04/25/2022 13:23 | Category: excel

Tags: datetime

Working in Excel is tedious and annoying when using date…

wsl copy to clipboard using ubuntu

04/25/2022 12:48 | Category: wsl

Tags: ubuntu

It took a little while for me to copy + paste from my WSL…

find all lambdas of a specific code version

04/15/2022 09:34 | Category: aws

Tags: lambdapythonbash

When deprecating Lambda runtimes it is important to have…

finding directory sizes using the terminal

04/12/2022 19:32 | Category: ubuntu

Tags: devops

Finding directory sizes is important when needing to…

direct proof method

04/12/2022 18:21 | Category: discrete math

Tags: mathdirect_proof

A straightforward approach to establish theorems that doesn't require knowledge…

aws cloudfront for content delivery

04/12/2022 14:28 | Category: aws

Tags: developer_associatecertificationcloudfrontCDN

Distributed servers to deliver webpages and other web content…

cross origin resource sharing CORS configuration

04/12/2022 14:13 | Category: aws

Tags: CORSawss3developer_associatecertification

Cross origin resource sharing allows things like S…

aws s3 encryption

04/12/2022 13:42 | Category: aws

Tags: developer_associatecertifications3

Data can be encrypted in several ways using S3. Encryption types: Encryption in…

securing s3 buckets

04/12/2022 12:53 | Category: aws

Tags: s3certificationdeveloper_associate

By default S3 buckets are relatively quite secure. Default settings Private…

retrieve table size stats and other info from redshift

04/12/2022 12:35 | Category: redshift

Tags: redshiftawsdbadatabases

Often times when looking at table performance…

inspect users in a user group in redshift or postgres

04/12/2022 12:30 | Category: redshift

Tags: dbadatabasesredshiftawsuserspostgres

To inspect information about our database/the…

listing stored procedures from redshift

04/12/2022 12:27 | Category: redshift

Tags: dbadatabasesredshiftawsstored_procedure

Finding if a stored procedure is in the proper schema is…

closed form formulas for summation of sequences

There are quite a few useful closed form formulas…

summations in discrete math

04/06/2022 20:06 | Category: discrete math

Tags: mathsummations

An important operation in numerical sequences is adding terms. This is…

sequences in discrete math

04/06/2022 19:51 | Category: discrete math

Tags: mathsequences

Sequences Sequence - A discrete structure used to represent an ordered…

shorthand for domains in math

04/05/2022 21:54 | Category: math

Tags: mathdomain

Domain shorthand can be tricky. This is a quick breakdown: D = Domain…

negations and variants of quantified statements

04/05/2022 20:53 | Category: discrete math

Tags: mathquantified_statements

Negation of a universal statement A universal…

logic of quantified statements

04/05/2022 19:38 | Category: discrete math

Tags: mathquantified_statements

The idea of a quantifier is that it expresses how many of the values…

necessary and sufficient conditions in logic statements

04/01/2022 18:45 | Category: discrete math

Tags: mathlogic_statements

Searching for precise definitions is…

variants of conditional statements

04/01/2022 18:05 | Category: discrete math

Tags: mathconditional_statements

Statements can have conditional relationships that are true in…

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