Blog Posts

aws cloudformation nested stacks

06/27/2022 13:25 | Category: aws

Tags: developer_associatecertificationcloudformationiac

nested stacks allow for re-use of CloudFormation code for common…

aws cloudformation and serverless application model

The Serverless Application Model is an extension…

github repo tagging

06/22/2022 15:57 | Category: git

Tags: githubversioningcicd

For personal projects I use a tagging system to trigger CICD pipelines that…

aws cloudformation intro

06/22/2022 13:06 | Category: aws

Tags: developer_associatecertificationiaccloudformation

Manage, configure, and provision your AWS infrastructure as code. Resources…

aws deploy docker using elastic beanstalk

Elastic Beanstalk supports a number of Docker containers…

aws elastic container service intro

06/22/2022 12:28 | Category: aws

Tags: developer_associatecertificationcontainersecs

Containers are similar to a virtual machine, more like a virtual…

aws codeartifact intro

06/22/2022 12:03 | Category: aws

Tags: developer_associatecertificationcodeartifact

An artifact repository that makes it easy for developers to find the software…

aws codedeploy features

06/22/2022 10:15 | Category: aws

Tags: developer_associatecertificationcodedeploycicd

CodeDeploy offers CICD in various ways, these were covered in a previous…

aws codecommit intro

06/21/2022 16:01 | Category: aws

Tags: developer_associatecertificationcicdcodecommit

A hosted Git solution similar to GitHub, but on AWS. This enables collaboration…

aws intro to ci cd

06/21/2022 15:44 | Category: aws

Tags: developer_associatecertificationcicd

Continuous integration, continuous delivery/deployment for applications enabling…

aws elastic beanstalk migration

06/21/2022 15:38 | Category: aws

Tags: developer_associatecertificationelastic_beanstalk

Migrating existing applications to Elastic Beanstalk environments is…

aws elastic beanstalk with rds

Elastic Beanstalk can integrate with RDS in 2 ways: either inside the…

aws elastic beanstalk customization

06/21/2022 13:27 | Category: aws

Tags: developer_associatecertificationelastic_beanstalk

Customization of the Elastic Beanstalk environment is done in a…

aws elastic beanstalk deployment updates

06/21/2022 12:49 | Category: aws

Tags: developer_associatecertificationelastic_beanstalk

There are several options for deployment updates in elastic…

aws elastic beanstalk

06/21/2022 11:48 | Category: aws

Tags: developer_associatecertificationelastic_beanstalk

Deploys and scales web applications while avoiding creation and scaling of EC…

aws kinesis consumers

06/21/2022 11:42 | Category: aws

Tags: developer_associatecertificationkinesisstreams

Scaling Kinesis streams requires increasing the number of shards utilized in…

aws kinesis intro

06/17/2022 14:18 | Category: aws

Tags: developer_associatecertificationkinesis

Amazon Kinesis is a family of services to collect, process, and analyze streaming…

converting iso varchar dates to date types in postgres

06/15/2022 15:05 | Category: databases

Tags: postgresisotimestamps

Working with date conversions in SQL can be…

aws ses vs sns

06/15/2022 11:29 | Category: aws

Tags: developer_associatecertificationsnsses

Simple Email Service (SES) is a scalable and highly available email service. Designed…

cd to a directory after grepping a file

06/15/2022 11:12 | Category: bash

Tags: grepfinddirnamecdscripts

I have quite a few notes generated from my Zet-CLI. These…

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